2023 Reflection
Embracing Growth and Inspiring Change for the New Year
December 2023
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it's only natural to reflect on the experiences, challenges, and growth that shaped us over the past 12 months. 2023 has been a unique journey for each of us. In this blog post, I’m sharing 11 reflection questions designed to help you navigate through the highs and lows, celebrate your achievements, and pave the way for a more intentional and fulfilling year ahead. I created this 2023 Review worksheet for my friends and I to fill out, and I’ve made it available for you, too!
The Questions1. What unique experiences set this year apart from all other years? What moments were most significant and how did they impact me?
Whether they were exciting celebrations, unexpected adventures, or transformative milestones, reflect on how these moments have contributed to your personal growth and shaped your perspective on life. These are often the moments we remember decades later. 2. What are some hardships I've experienced in the past year? In what ways have these hardships helped me to grow?
Life isn’t always easy… if it was, it would be pretty boring, and we’d have no frame of reference to be able to appreciate the slow, peaceful moments we are lucky to get to live through. Acknowledge the challenges you faced in 2023 and consider how they became catalysts for your personal development. In hard times, we discover our inner resilience, and learn the valuable lessons these hardships bring into our lives. 3. Who have I helped this year? In what ways did I help them?
Take pride in the positive impact you've had on others during the past year. Reflect on the ways you've extended a helping hand, offered support, or made a difference in someone else's life. It's so easy to be hard on yourself and feel like you aren't making a difference in this big, crazy world we live in. Recognizing your capacity to bring positivity to others is a powerful source of motivation!! 4. How would I describe myself right now? What do I love most about the person I am? What qualities about myself do I want to let go of over the next year?
Evaluate your self-perception and identify the qualities that define you, both good and bad. Celebrate the aspects you love about yourself, and consider areas where personal growth is possible. Letting go of habits or traits that no longer serve you is a powerful step towards self-improvement! 5. What beliefs do I hold now that I didn’t hold a year ago?
Consider the evolution of your beliefs and values over the past year. Explore how your perspective on life, relationships, or personal success has shifted. Embracing change in your belief system is a testament to your adaptability and openness to growth. I personally believe that the desire and ability to question or make sense of the things around us is what makes us human. 6. Do I feel as though I’ve lived a balanced life over the past year? What areas of my life were lacking? What areas were abundant?
Assess the balance in your life, taking note of areas that flourished and those that may have been neglected. Identifying imbalances allows you to set intentions for the coming year, ensuring a more holistic and fulfilling lifestyle. I have personally felt imbalanced for the past few years... not working or earning as much as I'd like to, but I feel like 2024 will be my year! It's been almost 5 years now since my dad's passing and it's taken a LOT of work every single day to get back to where/who I am right now. I finally feel like I'm at a place to move my career forward again and I'm SO EXCITED!! I'm very much ready to add more work and structure back into my life. 7. When do I feel happiest? What brings me true joy? How can I allow more joy into my daily experience? How can I cultivate more gratitude and appreciation in my daily life?
Explore the sources of genuine joy in your life and identify ways to incorporate them more consistently. Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of each day, fostering a mindset that embraces the beauty in both big and small moments. If you aren't sure what brings you joy, reach out to me and I'll help you figure it out! TEAMWORK - yay!! 8. What matters most in my life? Are my day-to-day actions representative of what I SAY is most important in my life?
Revisit your priorities and core values. Consider whether your daily actions align with what truly matters to you. Aligning your actions with your values creates a more purposeful and fulfilling existence. With social media being so prevalent in our everyday lives, it's so easy to get confused about what ACTUALLY matters to you. Instagram is a sea of Stanley Cups and makeup tutorials, but do those things really matter? When you put things into perspective like that, it's easy to remember the things that are most important: family, friends, and community. 9. What do I need to release in my life? How can I let go of these things/experiences/people/beliefs to make space for something new?
Identify any burdens or hindrances that may be holding you back. Determine what needs to be released to create space for new opportunities, experiences, and personal growth. 10. Do I feel as though I am living true to myself? Do I feel like I’m suppressing parts of who I am in order to please others? Am I letting fear of failure and/or judgment stop me from taking chances on my biggest dreams and goals? What steps can I take to bring myself into alignment this year and be more authentically ME?
Reflect on your authenticity and whether you've been true to yourself. Examine if external expectations or fear have led to self-suppression. Outline practical steps to embrace authenticity, pursue your dreams, and overcome any barriers standing in your way. It's so easy to chase the trends, but what makes you YOU? 11. What guiding principles, truths, and values will guide my journey over the next year?
Establish a set of guiding principles and values that will shape your path in the upcoming year. Clarify the truths that resonate with your authentic self, providing a compass for navigating life's journey. |
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