Transform Your Mornings
A Guide to Decluttering and Organizing Your Bedroom Closet
January 2024
One of the most common frustrations I’ve heard from my clients over the years is that they don’t know where to start. They open the doors to their closets, take one look, close the doors, and walk away. Here are a few of my tried-and-true organizing and decluttering tips:
Work on one small section at at time.
This will help you break your space up into more manageable sections. Whether it’s one bag, one box, one shelf, or one pile on a chair… pick one and start. Focus only on that section until it’s been decluttered and the remaining items put away in their place, or sorted into a queue to be put away in a few moments, once you’ve made space for them. Once you’ve finished with that section, move onto another bite-sized task. You’ve got this!! If you’re really stuck on where to begin, consider working top to bottom, left to right. |
Organize your items so that…
Consider setting some guidelines for yourself moving forward.
Perhaps there is a certain color palette you want to stick to, or certain fabrics you like. Setting a standard for your wardrobe will help you think before you purchase, helping you save money and space in your closet. Label, label, label! Labeling is such an important part of every organizing project. Labels help you, your husband, your kids, your in-laws, or your cleaning lady to know exactly where everything goes. |
2023 ReflectionIn this blog post, I share 11 reflection questions designed to help you navigate through the highs and lows, celebrate your achievements, and pave the way for a more intentional and fulfilling year ahead.
Health Update (Sep '23)A couple months ago I started seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor and am finally getting some answers as to why I feel the way I do.
Read all about it here. |