The Issues Samples and catalogs didn't have a "home," making it difficult for employees to find what they needed Cluttered look was not ideal for a business who had clients visit the office regularly Samples were all mixed up and had no organizational system The samples were stored in many areas throughout the office
- After -
The Solution: Create an organizational system that is easy for all employees to use We moved all countertop and flooring samples to white built-in shelves and all tile samples to the brown shelving unit With help from the Amato team, we identified which samples should be stored together We used white containers instead of clear to minimize the amount of samples clients will be able to see We labeled all bins so employees know where to put the samples back We labeld all shelves so employees know where the bin's "home" is
- Client Testimonial -
"I work for a local architecture firm which recently expanded our office. I was asked to lead the reorganization of our sample library and move all of our hundreds of materials from a small, dark and cramped closet, to the focal shelves of our conference room. Knowing that these materials had not been properly organized in years and were now going to be displayed for every client and staff meeting was a daunting task... on top of the tasks I manage for clients. Thankfully, I knew Agnes from her previous position with a design firm we work with. I gave her a call and she took it form there. As a fellow designer, she know how we use the materials and was able to do the majority of the organization so that I could focus on client projects.
I loved working with Timber and Agnes of Top Shelf Organizers. In just a few sessions, they not only sorted and purged our samples, but they shopped and ordered all of the organizers we needed, catalogued our materials, created a spreadsheet to help our team maintain an up to date library and installed everything in a beautifully organized fashion.
I highly recommend them to every client we have and I am thoroughly enjoying watching their business grow as they show people how easy life can be with a truly organized space."