The Issues No organizational systems in place, making it hard for employees to find what they need Cardboard boxes made the room look dark and chaotic Holiday decor for all seasons were located all throughout the room Nothing in the stockroom really had a "home," making it difficult for employees to put things away
- After -
The Solution: Organize the stockroom so all employees could find things and put them away We created a "home" for everything - cleaning supplies, toiletries, event supplies, holiday decor, etc. By taking everything out of the cardboard boxes and putting them into clear bins, the staff will have an easier time seeing when they need to restock certain items. We condensed the holiday decor into one or two large bins, organized by holiday, instead of 3-4 small cardboard boxes. We labeled all bins to make it easier for employees to be able to find what they need (and put items away in the correct spot when they're done!)