How I relax: Writing in my journal with lemon and lavender essential oils diffusing (it smells like fruit loops!)
Biggest stress: Not having a plan
Favorite space to organize: Pantry
My Story: TURN INTO BLOG POST AND ADD A CLICKABLE BUTTON I was raised in Sonoma County by a single father who put me in charge of maintaining the household. From a very early age my main chores were cleaning the house, doing the laundry and organizing the supplies for our horses, dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and chickens (oh my!).
Being an only child living on a dairy in the hills of Petaluma can be pretty boring at times… unless you live in a 650 square foot house. Then it’s an organizer’s dream! Unlike most teenagers, my bedroom was too small for me to be able to rearrange my furniture, so I rearranged the contents of my closet, dresser drawers, and decor items instead.
Waking up to a clean and well organized home allows me to start my day off the right way. When my surroundings are in order, it gives my brain room to think, work, be creative, or just relax.